It never ceases to amaze me, you know staring at computer screens and trying to make the internet work, tracking down elusive texts to support materials to share with people in workshops on Web 2.0, Interactivity and Film. Too often it feels like the Rabbits are buried deep and there's no way the ferret is going to get 'em then suddenly they all pop there heads up at once and there are too many to process, webpages that is! As usual, I am trying to do too much and will have more material than the 5 sessions I am developing can handle. Feels good to be at the cutting edge though and I only hope that the sessions prove useful and interesting for the students.
Edinburgh still has the worst roads in the UK and verging on 3rd world, I have found better tarmac in Maseru, certainly far less traffic. The gridlock was particularly bad today and hearing the fireworks just go off, the Christmas Fayre would now appear to be open, I will check the lights out later, perhaps put a couple of photos up for fun!
SecondLife has gone back up the agenda as a possible pre-visualisation tool, I must get my alt busy on the machinima programme promised for SLDM, that is the Second Life Democratic Movement. Weirdly, I feel guilty for not contributing as regularly as I should! Strange really! enough going on in the real world before any virtual plane of existence!
I can't relay how important Foxonomic tagging is and how useful Delicious can be! Talking Web 2.0 I managed to get Screen Academy Scotland to try out Twitter! I have to admit being a convert to the cause and everything Web 2.0 I find it frustrating when presented with the same argument time after time, its beginning to feel like a 'trope'! you know what I mean, the ever readiness to pooh pooh or condemn an idea thinking it to be too time-consuming! I wish it were just a case of shouting get with the programme! (joking of course) but then again....! True Luddite I am not! Have to admit its nice when your told, 'oh that wasn't as difficult as I thought'!
Perhaps I should stalk Mr Fry to come and talk to our students about Web 2.0! Now there's a thought!